Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fleetwood Mac makes an appearence and I change your life.

My blogs in the past have inevitably failed because of how quickly I lose focus on one specified topic. So, instead of addressing that issue in order to remedy it, I'm going to side-step it by creating a catch-all, miscellaneous, junk-drawer style blog.
Sound fun? Yeah, me too.

This song has been running through my head all day:

This song taught me how to pronounce Rhiannon.

Second thing: I believe that all of you should, upon reading this, go to and make a profile. The basic premise is that while changing your life and accomplishing goals is hard, it's much more difficult doing it by yourself. Simply type in something you'd like to accomplish and -whammo- instant support group.
I myself have so far pledged to see all 50 states and take a road trip to nowhere.

Oh, and just BTW, I apparently joined a Pussycat Dolls cover band today... I'll keep you posted on that.

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