Thursday, February 17, 2011


got engaged today.
That is all.

And btw, the ring looks like someone melted me down and made a ring outta me. And then covered me in silver. :P

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Okay guys, let's get serious..

I had an interesting run-in today. I had an extensive religious discussion with three Christians and a Catholic today. As an eclectic pagan, I was expecting a bit of ...apprehension on their part. In fact, taking their conservative background in our predominately Christian area, I was even expecting some hostility.
I received none. They were curious, insightful and respectful. I was floored, and ashamed. Ashamed that I had so entirely stereotyped an entire religion, knowing full-well EXACTLY how that feels.
I resolved today that I will make a conscious effort to not allow my previous conflicts to cloud my future. I cannot hope to make the world a better place with such a narrow mind.

Oh, and just btw, do you consider Catholics to be Christians? My Catholic friend does not, hence why I didn't say 'four Christians' earlier. Thoughts?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kickass True Love Tale

Well blogworld that isn't listening and knows nothing about my life, it's been a great two years of my life.
I'm not sure what your relationship status is currently (or ever for that matter), but I've been quasi-sorta-sure-taken by a guy named Zach. As I reflect on the past few years of my life, I am struck by a few facts/revelations about love and life.
Namely, it kinda sucks. Now, don't get me wrong, I love him, life, and spending it with him. NOW. THEN, when I was figuring him out, getting ahead of myself only to fall behind, spinning in countless circles with the illusion of progress....screw that. SO glad I'm past that.
Next, humans have no business attempting to describe love. We have not evolved to that level of cognitive awareness. The closest we come is describing what emotions (happiness, attachment) the love inspires in us. And that's not even close.
Lastly, every relationship has a soundtrack and a playlist. There is no issue so big a musician or two hasn't commented upon it. So, find your soundtrack. It will help.

Oh, and by the way, the title is from a song by Bowling For Soup called Friendly Goodbye. The lyrics have nothing to do with our relationship except that one line, but it's still a great song.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I love Ludo. They're deliciously creepy. They really understand love. *erm*

I spent a few hours reading about conspiracies today. I drew several conclusions.

1. The CIA must have a LOT of time on their hands. Between doing whatever it is they actually do, killing John Lennon, MLK, Malcom X, JFK, and every other deceased iconic figure in US history, covering up those murders, hiding alien bodies/spacecraft, keeping tabs on our every movement (in order to more effectively brainwash us ;), and developing secret high tech weapons...I know -I- would feel overwhelmed. ;)

2. There are no such things as natural causes of death.

3. Jesse Ventura is a genius?

4.The FBI hates the CIA. Which honestly doesn't really surprise me. The CIA keeps beating the FBI to the punch on killing all these cool dudes. Still, I don't really like that two rival branches of the government BOTH want control of my mind. Sounds potentially painful.

I think my favorite conspiracy theories are the alien ones. Area 41, Roswell, stealing technologies to beat the Russians in the Cold War...all that good stuff.
What about you? If you don't know any, go google some. I believe everyone should be well-versed in urban legends, myths, and conspiracy theories. It makes this world we live in so much more fun. :D