Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kickass True Love Tale

Well blogworld that isn't listening and knows nothing about my life, it's been a great two years of my life.
I'm not sure what your relationship status is currently (or ever for that matter), but I've been quasi-sorta-sure-taken by a guy named Zach. As I reflect on the past few years of my life, I am struck by a few facts/revelations about love and life.
Namely, it kinda sucks. Now, don't get me wrong, I love him, life, and spending it with him. NOW. THEN, when I was figuring him out, getting ahead of myself only to fall behind, spinning in countless circles with the illusion of progress....screw that. SO glad I'm past that.
Next, humans have no business attempting to describe love. We have not evolved to that level of cognitive awareness. The closest we come is describing what emotions (happiness, attachment) the love inspires in us. And that's not even close.
Lastly, every relationship has a soundtrack and a playlist. There is no issue so big a musician or two hasn't commented upon it. So, find your soundtrack. It will help.

Oh, and by the way, the title is from a song by Bowling For Soup called Friendly Goodbye. The lyrics have nothing to do with our relationship except that one line, but it's still a great song.

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